
NASPGHAN-Abbott 1st Year Fellows Virtual Conference

January 14, 2021
Enter General Session: Day 1 - Jan 14, 12:00 PM ET

Click the button above to enter the Zoom meeting, which runs from 12:00 to 1:45 PM ET.

  • Welcome to the Conference - Sandy Kim and Brian McFerron
  • Welcome from Robert Dahms (Abbott)
  • Meet the Faculty - Brian McFerron
  • Icebreaker: Meet your fellows! - Brian McFerron and Sandy Kim
  • Introduction to NASPGHAN - Jenifer Lightdale
  • Welcome video from the NASPGHAN Fellows Committee

  • Block 1: I Will Survive! - Personal Resilience and Development
  • Know your strengths: Resilience and wellness as the antidote to burnout - Sandy Kim

Enter General Session 2: Day 1 - Jan 14, 2:45 PM ET

Click the button above to enter the Zoom meeting, which runs from 2:45 to 4:30 PM ET.

  • Faculty Panel: How did you choose what you were going to do in your (GI) life? - Moderator: Brian McFerron
    Panelists: Conrad Cole, Elizabeth Mileti, Deb Neigut, Jason Silverman, Karyn Wulf, Des Yacob
  • Make Friends, NOT Enemas…2021 Virtual Edition - Norberto Rodriguez-Baez and guests
  • Day 1 Concluding Remarks - Sandy Kim and Brian McFerron

Optional One-On-One Faculty Meeting: Jan 14, 4:30 PM ET
JANUARY 15, 2021
Enter General Session: Day 2 - Jan 15, 12:00 PM ET

Click the button above to enter the Zoom meeting, which runs from 12:00 to 12:30 pm ET.

  • Block 2: Road to Independence - Professional Development
  • Welcome and overview of day’s agenda - Brian McFerron and Sandy Kim
  • Learn from our mistakes! Ways you can optimize your fellowship years - Jen Colombo and Arvind Srinath

Enter Small Group Sessions: Day 2 - Jan 15, 12:30 PM ET

Clinical Pathway - Small group faculty pairings
Click the appropriate group number links below to attend two sessions of your choice. Attend one at 12:30 PM and another at 1:00 PM ET:

Group 1
Sandy Kim- IBD, QI, mentoring/career development, clinical research, advocacy, academic center, wellness, canine mom
Sofia Verstraete- IBD/Clinical

Group 2
Brian McFerron- Medical Education, Pancreas, academic center, physician mental health/wellness/resiliency
Arvind Srinath- Medical Education, Curriculum Development, Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, Patient Communication

Group 3
Christine Lee- Hepatology/Liver Transplant, Medical Education, Clinical Research, academic-center, 2 physician family with kids
Norberto Rodriguez-Baez- Hepatology, Medical Education, Mentoring, Clinical Research, Academic Center, Wellness, Medical missions, Underrepresented minority, 2 physician family with kids.

Group 4
Jenifer Lightdale- Endoscopy, quality, outcomes, clinical research, survey methodology, continuing medical education, dual physician family with kids and dog
Karyn Wulf- Med Ed/ Industry

Group 5
Ben Gold- Private Practice / IBD/H pylori/GERD/EoE/Aerodigestive / CDC / NASPGHAN President
Elizabeth Mileti- Private practice, GI generalist, wellness, self care

Group 6
John Pohl - Cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, clinical research, medical education, academic medical center, social media
Jennifer Colombo- Medical Education, Functional Abdominal Pain, Physician Leadership

Group 7
Bruno Chumpitazi- Neurogastroenterology, Multidisciplinary teams, Clinical Research, Gut microbiome, 2 academic physician family with kids
Des Yacob- Motility, Clinical research, underrepresented minority

Group 8
Conrad Cole- Intestinal rehab, diversity, underrepresented minority
Jason Silverman- Medical Education, intestinal failure, cystic fibrosis, social media, academic center, FOAMed

Group 9
Ericka Montijo Barrios - General GI/Med Ed
Deb Neigut- General GI/Med Ed

Enter General Session: Day 2 - Jan 15, 1:45 PM ET

Click the button above to enter the Zoom meeting, which runs from 1:45 to 2:30 PM ET.

  • Mentor/Mentee Relationships - Christine Lee
  • Panel discussion: Choosing mentors, research projects and career tracks - Moderator: Sandy Kim
    Panelists: Bruno Chumpitazi, Ericka Montijo Barrios, John Pohl, Sofia Verstaete

Enter General Session: Day 2 - Jan 15, 3:45 PM ET

Click the button above to enter the Zoom meeting, which runs from 3:45 to 5:00 PM ET.

  • Block 3: Equity, diversity, and advocacy in medicine
  • Diversity in Pediatrics: How do we change? - Conrad Cole
  • Concluding remarks: Welcome to NASPGHAN - “Bennifer” Jen Lightdale and Ben Gold
  • Social time! - Mocktail contest with Bob Dahms
  • Zumba Dance Party with Norberto “Zumba Maestro” Rodriguez-Baez and Ben “Benjammin” Gold

Handouts and Resources

    Video Resources

    Brandon's Story
    Taylor's Story